Jason Evans

Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, USA


Functor Magic and Mayhem

Published Apr 18, 2018

For the past several months I have been programming primarily in OCaml, and it has been a magical experience, though the learning curve has often been unsettlingly steep. Recently I spent most of a day wrapping my head around what was to me an inscrutable type error, followed by understanding and initial frustration with what seemed like an unnecessary API landmine, and finally a realization that the API has merit that more experienced OCaml developers surely leverage.

Minimal background: As an extended OCaml learning exercise I am writing a computer player for a Scrabble-like board game, in a similar vein to the most excellent Quackle. As a side effect of having largely learned OCaml via Real World OCaml, I am using the Jane Street Core library, a choice that provides an excellent foundation for practical software development, but at the cost of a yet-steeper learning curve.

In a Scrabble game engine, we need to deal with tiles, and bags of tiles. Core makes it really easy to enhance basic data types with type-safe collections support using functors like Comparable.Make. Following is a stripped-down implementation that compiles, but note the curious Int.() wrappers around the two integer comparisons.

open Core

module T = struct
  type letter =
  | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M
  | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
  [@@deriving sexp, compare]

  type t =
  | Blank
  | Letter of letter
  [@@deriving sexp, compare]
include T
include Comparable.Make(T)

module Bag = struct
  type tile = t
  type t = int Map.t

  let empty = Map.empty

  let length t =
    Map.fold t ~init:0 ~f:(fun ~key ~data acc -> acc + data)

  let pick t =
    let n = Random.int (length t) in
    let _, tile_opt = begin
      Map.fold t ~init:(0, None) ~f:(fun ~key ~data (i, tile) ->
        let i' = i + data in
(*-->*) match Int.(i' <= n) with
        | true -> i', None
        | false -> i', Some key
    end in
    let t' = match tile_opt with
      | None -> t
      | Some tile ->
        Map.change t tile ~f:(function
(*-->*)   | Some v when Int.(v > 1) -> Some (v - 1)
          | _ -> None
    t', tile_opt

  let put t tiles =
    List.fold tiles ~init:t ~f:(fun t tile ->
      Map.change t tile ~f:(function
        | Some v -> Some (v + 1)
        | None -> Some (1)

What happens if we omit the Int() wrappers? We get compiler error messages.

File "tile.ml", line 31, characters 14-16:
Error: This expression has type int but an expression was expected of type

What does that mean? In short, it means comparison operators can’t compare integers! The Comparable.Make functor creates comparison operators that are specific to the tile data type, and since the Bag code follows within the same module, all comparison operators are specific to the tile type.

The Int.() syntax causes the Int module to be opened locally for the expression within the parentheses, i.e. the Int module’s contents are flattened into the enclosed expression’s namespace. That means that within the local opens of Int, we are using integer-specific comparisons, and similarly Poly.() (a Core module) would cause us to use the default polymorphic comparison operators that are built into OCaml.

It took me a long time to figure out what was going on, because I actually wrote the bag code as a separate Bag module before deciding to move it inside Tile and make it Tile.Bag. I went from working Bag code to a compiler error that made no sense to me. I have found it really important to OCaml develoment to iterate in a way that keeps the code always compilable, so that when something surprising happens, introspection via utop and Merlin is possible. In this case I should have disabled the Tile.Bag code, compiled the Tile module, and used utop to see what Comparable.Make had done to the Tile namespace.

A better grasp of comparison operators would have helped me too. OCaml moves mountains in its type inference engine, but part of the way it infers types is by avoiding type polymorphism for operators… in some cases but not others. For example, the + addition operator can only operate on integers (and +. only on floats), which gives the compiler opportunities to infer variable types based solely on addition operations. The language designers chose not to use such a heavy hand with comparison operators, though in retrospect it seems there is disagreement on whether this was a good choice.

And this brings us back to the operators defined by the Comparable.Make functor. I saw this as a misfeature when I first realized what was causing compilation errors, but I’m betting experienced OCaml developers who use Core get warm fuzzies when comparing tiles is as simple as e.g.

let ascending (a, b) =
  match Tile.(a < b) with
  | true -> a, b
  | false -> b, a